The Origin Story: How Munich Birthed GR1T Motorcycle

The Origin Story: How Munich Birthed GR1T Motorcycle

Nestled within the vibrant landscapes and historic streets of Munich, a new chapter in electric mobility was being penned – the inception of GR1T Motorcycles. As the pulse of Europe’s automotive innovation, Munich has historically been the melting pot of mechanical marvels. Our story isn’t just about crafting a machine; it’s about combining Munich’s legacy of engineering brilliance with a modern vision. Delve into our heritage and discover our commitment to transforming the world of electric motorcycle travel.

1 Comment
  • Philip Ammerman
    Posted at 11:22h, 09 November

    In addition to being a beautiful location, Munich has an amazing concentration of engineering talent and experience, hosted in thousands of OEMs, suppliers, and specialist firms. It is a perfect place to launch GR1T given the range of expertise needed to compete in 2023.